His great rival without caring much Phone Number List about the lost opportunity that this victory meant for the country. Santos was aware that this opportunity, even if lost, could not be missed, and he insisted on advancing in any way in a complex Phone Number List process but one that was resolved positively, and that, among other things, Moreno was vice president of Rafael Correa, in addition to being one of the front-line leaders of PaĆs Phone Number List from the beginning of this political organization. The official binomial for the 2017 elections was completed with.
Jorge , who was the other vice Phone Number List president of the Correa years and, also, a close friend of his. The duo was read as a combination of a popular political profile, which could reach certain sectors upset with the last years of , but with a growing desire for autonomy, and that of a man totally loyal to the then president Phone Number List However, there was little doubt that both shared in general terms what had been done by their party and its historical leader. Both had been protagonists of that decade. The Ecuadorian and regional right made few distinctions, both Phone Number List the first and second rounds were held in a tense climate and, in fact, there was a strong campaign to denounce an alleged fraud in favor of Moreno. The offensive of the right seemed to.
Weld the internal differences Phone Number List that, in any case, did not seem to venture a break like the one that later took place. It was taken for granted that a victory for Moreno would also be a victory for Correa and, therefore, a continuation of the progressive cycle in Ecuador and a signal for the region. Indeed, at the official presentation meeting of the Phone Number List binomial, with Correa, Moreno and on stage, the then presidential candidate told the assembled crowd how important it was for him to be accompanied by . Moreno explained that, questioned by a Phone Number List young relative of his about how he could face the complex challenge of running Ecuador, However, the.