Wind Dragons have been in snow regions and RuneScape gold windy areas. (suggestion: Olaf's Quest) Water Dragons are from the Ancient Cavern near the Waterfiends. (near the Earth Warriors) Fire Dragons seem in volcanoes and the Taverley Dungeon. Ow. I think I only got Carpal Tunnel. Well, tell me what you believe. Should they look over-powered, let me know. Note: Even though it is a dragon, just the fire monster needs and Anti-Fire shield. Is there something as a Anti-Wind shield? Or a Anti-Earth shield? Or an Anti-Water shield?
Primarily, it costs 1000 tokens to work with, and it has these spells. Shadow twist: 1 elemantal rune and one calyctic rune, permits you to walk through walls (not including the obstacles ) level 10 magic. Shooting star: 3 calyctic runes and 1 elemantal rune: creats a celebrity witch you can start at any time by clicking on the spell again, automobile finds enemy level 15 damage 1-5.
Style burst, energy lance: full battle: auto discovers enemy, level 20 and 5 charges from each portion of robe, 4-10 damage. Style blast, warp drag: Full druidic robes: Finds enemy and starts yanking the victim towards you five squars takes 10 charges from robe lvl 20.
Falling star: 6 calyctic runes and two elemantal runes: same as shooting star except it shoots two celebrities lvl30. Meteor Twist: fires a meteor through wals in a direct line only 4 calyctic runes 10 harm lvl 30. Ice Candles: imbune you teleport orb with ice and throws it to freeze the victimlvl 35. Hurry: multiplies your speed once in the match for 10 seconds, gets quicker for every twenty levels lvl 40.
Warp to foe: you can probably imagine what that does 10 calyctic runes and 4 elemantal runes after every 2 minutes lvl45. Night color: if strikes then it blinds the opponent for 10 minutes 4 3 and c e lvl 50. Meteor storm: takes three celebrities and a single meteor wich does 2-10 harm;v; 50. Style blast, ultima: complete combat: it shoots 2 celebrities in the atmosphere then shoots an energy lance then blasts a meteor warp and then uses nightshade and then teleports into the foe and buy old school runescape gold then slashes him lvl 60.