If you're in the second camp, mastery is tailored to help you see the same success that Marcus says in his book. We've helped hundreds of companies in the past, and you could be next. Waiting to start just means you are delaying your results. "We want to try to do what they ask, you answer us first" This makes sense. After all, Marcus does it all for River Pools.
We're all entrepreneurs who start out by asking them and you answering yourself , but with two caveats: First, you'll naturally learn the hard way, and your industry mailing list will be hindered accordingly. Second, you risk boring your team with the whole philosophy. If you start and get stuck - you might struggle with content strategy, HubSpot mastery, or mission sales - your colleagues may resist when you try again in six months with the help of IMPACT.
In their opinion, you've tried what they asked and you answered, but it didn't work. All great journeys start with one step Any big business can be scary. The first step is important because it sets you on a new path that will lead you on a revolutionary journey. Mastery is an investment in your future. As with any investment, the sooner you start, the better. If you're worried about sales and leadership buy-in -- or you're struggling financially, it might make sense to hold off. But in most cases, you already know that this is the best way forward. It's time to take your first steps.